The Looker is a comedic puzzle-solving game that parodies The Witness (2016).
It is available now on Steam for PC and Mac, free of charge.
“I laughed at many jokes! Aloud!”
— Alice O’Connor (RockPaperShotgun)
“I'm not sure how it pulls this off, but whether you loved The Witness or hated The Witness, somehow I can guarantee you'll enjoy The Looker.”
— Christopher Livingston (PC Gamer)
“[T]his is a masterful parody—a labour of love—that goes way beyond what anyone would reasonably expect from it.”
— Tom Sykes (PC Gamer Magazine UK)
“It's a remarkable amount of work for what amounts to a $#!& post.”
— Jonathan Bolding (PC Gamer)
“[The Looker] knows the exact things to make fun of, and how to subvert your expectations in clever and surprising ways.”
— David Wildgoose (GamesHub)